apply for winter 2024

Greetings prospective starseed! Thanks for your interest in this season. You can find the flyer for our online course here.

Please fill out the form below and submit your $50 application fee at your earliest convenience. We’ll respond to your application within a week of receiving it.

Looking forward to unlearning and imagining with you!

Submit your $50 application fee here:

 Liberation Spring is exactly what I was looking for before I dared let myself imagine it: a space where my full self is welcomed, nourished, necessary. A place to unlearn and learn that centers indigenous women and women of color’s genius and is fiercely decolonial. A community dedicated to healing from violent paradigms that would have us separate our minds from our bodies from our spirits from each other. A project whose aim is nothing less than our collective liberation. An invitation to step into my/our power, grow my/our knowledge and skills, and set my/our imaginations wild and free. Because we are the ones we’ve been waiting for. So what are we waiting for? –T.A.