decolonial activism

Participating in Liberation Spring has been a transformative experience for which I am truly grateful. I initially joined, almost a year ago, largely out of curiosity and the desire for some kind of community with the priority of fighting against injustice. I was really blown away by the knowledge I gained, the connections made, and the deeply personal and political work it inspired for me that will stay with me for life. The coursework is real-life work, and on many levels: political, intellectual, spiritual, relational, and somatic to name a few. Liberation Spring offers an invitation and the tools with which to critically examine and confront challenging issues in the world and in our own personal lives. Liberation Spring also provides an incredibly supportive, healing, and loving space and community – so necessary and yet so rare! I believe all Liberation Spring participants are continually inspired by and grateful for Liberation Spring and each other. Each participant I know is fighting against oppression in their own way, doing incredible work and continually cultivating new ideas and projects, individually and collectively.

On a personal level, Liberation Spring has provided a framework and vocabulary for me to grow as a human being and begin the critical process of un-learning destructive patterns of thinking. Liberation Spring has helped me to heal old wounds, build healthier relationships, cultivate a deeper connection to my roots and ancestors, re-examine my work and its impact, and examine for the first time my relationship to the land which I occupy. Anjali is an incredibly knowledgeable, thoughtful, and supportive teacher, and her care and commitment to our well-being and collective liberation is an inspiration, to say the least. The gratitude is endless, and I recommend Liberation Spring to anybody and everybody – this is about us all getting free!

Grace S.